What kind of conditions should I seek acupuncture treatment?
FollowAn acupuncturist may be consulted for specific symptoms and conditions such as pain, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, migraine, menstrual disorders, intestinal disorders, addiction and a plethora of other conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the above conditions and many more as being responsive to acupuncture treatment. Please visit the Diplomate of Acupuncture Consumer Page or the Diplomate of Acupuncture brochure for additional information.
There has been extensive practice and research that has evidenced that acupuncture is effective in helping patients with many of the conditions listed by WHO as well as many others. It does more than simply relieve the symptoms. The aim of acupuncture is to treat the whole patient and restore balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. Many people also have acupuncture as a preventative treatment, which is the most important benefit of this medicine.
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