How do I find an acupuncturist or an Oriental medicine practitioner?
FollowYou can find a Diplomate of Acupuncture (NCCAOM), a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) or a Diplomate holding one or more other NCCAOM certifications by going to the NCCAOM Find a Practitioner Search Engine.
The additional designation of licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) is awarded by a state regulatory board. Currently, 43 states, including the District of Columbia, require NCCAOM certification or the passing of the NCCAOM examinations as a requirement for licensure to practice acupuncture. Each state board has a unique set of requirements for licensure. State rules and regulations are subject to change; therefore, one should always confirm current requirements for licensure with the appropriate state board.
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